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前作より約10年振りのリリースとなるMix CD Book「Quantum Leap」。クリハラリエの根っこにあるオトと絵の二重らせんを、REE.Kに通して描いた本作が表現しているもの。言葉で説明しようとすると近付きそうで遠ざかる。けれども、再生ボタンを押すと緩やかに立ち上ってくるもの。それは何なのか。きっとRee.Kだけではなく、それぞれの記憶の中にある、今も持っている何か。本作から流れる景色を聴いて、眺めて、お確かめくださいませ。

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All tracks compiled by Rie Kurihara
Oil Pastel Drawn by Rie Kurihara
Masterd at Guruguru Hyena Studio 2015
Ⓟ & Ⓒ Hypnodisk / bluestract 2015

The Mix CD Book “Quantum Leap” is released for the first time in ten years since previous work. By this work for expresses her the double helix of the sound and the picture in the root of Rie Kurihara own. When trying to explain by words, it seems to come closer and moves away. But when you pushed the play button it gently comes up. What is it? Surely not only Ree.K, there is something we still have it, that exists in each recollection. Please listen to the flowing scenery from this work and look at it and confim it.